
Bilbao Bonded Warehouse was constituted and authorized by Real Decree Law the July 30th of 1,918 as auxiliary instrument in the international trade,without profit spirit, being formed by the Chamber of Commerce Industry and Navigation of Bilbao, Most Excellent Leasehold Delegation of Bizkaia and Harbor Authority of Bilbao.

In the middle of 1,920, Bilbao Bonded Warehouse established its main facilities in the area of Santurtzi, constituting the advance party of the expansion of the Port of Bilbao in this zone and with the logics transformations has remained to the present time.

In 1.931 Bilbao Bonded Warehouse occupied the installation of Uribitarte that remained to total operation until the year 1,974 in which forced by the city-planning pressure and the increase of the dimensions of ships it transferred his activity to the Channel of Deusto where it will remain until principles of year 2002.

In April 29th of 2002 were inaugurated the central quarters of the Organization, located in the facilities of the Reina Victoria′s wharf, in the Port of Santurtzi.

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